Tired of Resolutions that Fail Tips for New Year`s Resolution Success

Released on = December 26, 2006, 1:50 pm

Press Release Author = Cynthia McKenna, LPC, NCC/ Cynthia McKenna Counseling & Life

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Tips to help you make and keep your New Year's Resolutions

Press Release Body = Boerne, TX - Many people make New Year's resolutions, but find
that they have a hard time keeping them. Is there a better way to make resolutions?
Psychology experts say yes.

Each New Year, Cynthia McKenna, therapist and owner of Cynthia McKenna Counseling
and Life Coaching at http://www.cynthiamckennacounseling.com , helps individuals and
couples make resolutions that they can keep by taking a holistic approach to
resolution making.

According to McKenna, "Many people focus on what is "wrong" in their lives. This
kind of resolution-making is loaded with guilt, because if you don't achieve what
you set out to do, you can feel a sense of failure."

McKenna encourages her clients to look at resolutions in terms of living a more
balanced life, and then ask themselves what changes will make that happen. "Instead
of simply focusing on getting up early to exercise or losing those 15 pounds, take
this opportunity to think about the life you would like to have, and then, take
steps to begin to live that life."

McKenna suggests looking at your life in broad categories such as: Physical
Environment, Career, Money, Health, Relationships, Personal Growth, Fun and
Recreation, Emotional Balance. These are aspects that contribute to an overall sense
of well-being and also can influence emotional and physical health.

"Now you have your categories," McKenna continues, "What can you do in each area to
make your life better? What qualities of a full and meaningful life do you want to
include in your list? This list can include things you might not be doing yet, but
that you value and want to work toward."

Taking that goal of losing 15 pounds, your list might look like this:

Physical environment
.I keep healthful foods in the house
.I allow myself an occasional treat
.I subscribe to a health magazine

.My weight is within a healthy range
.My blood pressure is lower
.I drink plenty of water to keep my body healthy

Fun & Recreation
.I use my iPod during workouts
.I invite friends to go walking with me
.I play outside with my kids

McKenna continues, "You have just taken your goal of losing 15 lbs and made it
concrete. You have actions that you can see and measure. And, you are working on
your goal from a variety of perspectives, rather than just focusing on the number on
the scale. In starting with the big picture, you gain a vision of where you want
your life to be and what steps you can take in order to make that happen. You now
have some concrete feedback on what you can do to improve your life. As you begin
to make changes, you will know that you are working toward your goal,"

Resolutions don't have to fail. Making small changes in a variety of areas will
increase your chances for success. If you would like to obtain information about
creating a balanced life, visit: http://www.cynthiamckennacounseling.com or contact
Cynthia McKenna, LPC, NCC at: cm@cynthiamckennacounseling.com

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Web Site = http://www.cynthiamckennacounseling.com

Contact Details = Cynthia McKenna, LPC, NCC
Cynthia McKenna Counseling & Life Coaching
PO Box 187
Boerne, TX 78006

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